Final scores in Sportsman ranged from a low of 3 088,0 to a high of 3 750,0 (a range of 662,0)
Rank | Pilot | Final Score | Known | Unknown [us] | ||||
Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 1 | Round 2 | |||
Seq 1 | Seq 1 | Seq 1 | Seq 1 | |||||
1 | Tomáš Záhora AMA#4 |
3 750,0 78,9% |
1 000,0 76,6% |
thrown |
1 000,0 79,3% |
1 000,0 78,8% |
thrown |
750,0 80,7% |
2 | Adam Krepčík AMA#2 |
3 491,7 72,6% |
997,7 76,5% |
898,6 67,9% |
908,1 72,0% |
thrown |
thrown |
687,2 73,9% |
3 | Jaroslav Návoj AMA#3 |
3 147,2 65,2% |
856,5 65,6% |
825,1 62,4% |
834,2 66,2% |
thrown |
631,4 66,6% |
thrown |
4 | Karol Szendi AMA#1 |
3 088,0 63,8% |
819,3 62,8% |
834,6 63,1% |
847,2 67,2% |
thrown |
586,9 |
62,0% thrown |
[us] - Unknown rounds were scaled to ~750 max points each. (Sum of Unknowns weighted as 20% of the total score.)
Final scores in Intermediate ranged from a low of 0,0 to a high of 3 724,9 (a range of 3 724,9)
Rank | Pilot | Final Score | Known | Unknown [us] | ||||
Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 1 | Round 2 | |||
Seq 1 | Seq 1 | Seq 1 | Seq 1 | |||||
1 | Willi Mühlbauer AMA#11 |
3 724,9 78,5% |
1 000,0 80,7% |
974,9 |
1 000,0 80,7% |
76,0% thrown |
thrown |
750,0 76,5% |
2 | Mel Nipkow AMA#24 |
3 657,6 76,7% |
975,9 78,7% |
996,9 77,6% |
75,2% thrown |
944,5 |
thrown |
740,2 75,5% |
3 | Svatoslav Hnilica AMA#9 |
3 638,5 76,6% |
951,3 76,7% |
985,0 76,6% |
952,3 76,8% |
thrown |
750,0 76,4% |
thrown |
4 | Andi Wildauer AMA#6 |
3 593,5 75,6% |
919,1 74,1% |
1 000,0 77,8% |
942,6 76,1% |
thrown |
thrown |
731,8 74,6% |
5 | Radim Hnilica AMA#5 |
3 527,1 74,3% |
971,3 78,3% |
925,4 72,0% |
905,1 73,0% |
thrown |
725,3 73,8% |
thrown |
6 | Juraj Kubičár AMA#22 |
3 517,4 74,4% |
886,9 71,5% |
thrown |
916,7 74,0% |
1 000,0 79,3% |
thrown |
713,8 72,8% |
7 | Marco Pintér AMA#21 |
3 441,9 72,3% |
873,1 70,4% |
905,6 70,5% |
thrown |
927,3 73,6% |
735,8 74,9% |
thrown |
8 | Karel Duňka AMA#14 |
3 418,8 71,7% |
912,8 73,6% |
913,0 71,0% |
thrown |
901,1 71,5% |
691,9 70,4% |
thrown |
9 | Lukas Mauer AMA#18 |
3 389,6 71,7% |
923,5 74,5% |
thrown |
844,0 68,1% |
932,8 74,0% |
689,3 70,2% |
thrown |
10 | Martin Kukačka AMA#23 |
3 330,6 70,4% |
911,9 73,6% |
thrown |
846,4 68,3% |
909,7 72,2% |
thrown |
662,5 67,5% |
11 | Vojtěch Kubiš AMA#10 |
3 323,5 69,6% |
thrown |
914,4 71,1% |
873,0 70,4% |
867,9 68,9% |
thrown |
668,2 68,1% |
12 | Milan Valenta AMA#19 |
3 322,3 70,1% |
900,9 72,7% |
818,8 |
65,3% thrown |
928,8 73,7% |
673,9 |
68,7% thrown |
13 | Milan Břečka AMA#12 |
3 310,0 69,2% |
855,3 69,0% |
951,2 74,0% |
thrown |
860,6 68,3% |
642,9 65,5% |
thrown |
14 | Maťěj Hrica AMA#15 |
3 297,5 69,6% |
897,3 72,4% |
836,3 |
907,5 73,2% |
65,9% thrown |
656,3 66,8% |
thrown |
15 | Hans Wallner AMA#30 |
3 248,8 68,0% |
890,7 71,8% |
867,1 67,5% |
thrown |
849,4 67,4% |
641,7 65,3% |
thrown |
16 | Kamil Mrázik AMA#7 |
3 197,7 66,5% |
860,5 69,4% |
946,0 73,6% |
thrown |
830,4 65,9% |
thrown |
560,8 57,2% |
17 | Tomáš Bukovanský AMA#29 |
3 147,2 66,4% |
863,0 69,6% |
thrown |
842,1 68,0% |
837,4 66,4% |
thrown |
604,7 61,7% |
18 | Adam Hrbáček AMA#13 |
3 119,1 65,8% |
559,2 45,1% |
873,9 68,0% |
thrown |
963,9 76,5% |
thrown |
722,1 73,6% |
19 | Michael Hausch AMA#27 |
2 770,3 57,1% |
785,2 63,3% |
796,0 61,9% |
thrown |
795,3 63,1% |
thrown |
393,8 40,1% |
20 | Vladimir Ochotný AMA#8 |
2 752,7 57,6% |
720,5 58,1% |
745,9 58,0% |
thrown |
746,1 59,2% |
540,2 55,0% |
thrown |
21 | Daniel Nipkow AMA#26 |
2 633,8 55,0% |
706,2 57,0% |
747,7 58,2% |
752,6 60,7% |
thrown |
427,3 43,5% |
thrown |
22 | Zdeněk Šteigl AMA#25 |
2 488,2 52,1% |
711,7 57,4% |
647,3 50,4% |
thrown |
637,6 50,6% |
thrown |
491,6 50,1% |
23 | Andreas Kauer AMA#16 |
2 163,6 46,1% |
thrown |
0,0 0,0% |
803,4 64,8% |
815,9 64,7% |
544,2 55,4% |
thrown |
24 | Werner Prilop AMA#28 |
0,0 0,0% |
thrown missing figure score(s) |
0,0 0,0% missing figure score(s) |
0,0 0,0% missing figure score(s) |
0,0 0,0% missing figure score(s) |
thrown missing figure score(s) |
0,0 0,0% missing figure score(s) |
24 | Niklas Bernauer AMA#20 |
0,0 0,0% |
thrown missing figure score(s) |
0,0 0,0% missing figure score(s) |
0,0 0,0% missing figure score(s) |
0,0 0,0% missing figure score(s) |
thrown missing figure score(s) |
0,0 0,0% missing figure score(s) |
24 | Marek Handlovič AMA#17 |
0,0 0,0% |
thrown missing figure score(s) |
0,0 0,0% missing figure score(s) |
0,0 0,0% missing figure score(s) |
0,0 0,0% missing figure score(s) |
thrown missing figure score(s) |
0,0 0,0% missing figure score(s) |
[us] - Unknown rounds were scaled to ~750 max points each. (Sum of Unknowns weighted as 20% of the total score.)
Final scores in Advanced ranged from a low of 3 395,5 to a high of 3 695,5 (a range of 299,9)
Rank | Pilot | Final Score | Known | Unknown [us] | ||||
Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 1 | Round 2 | |||
Seq 1 | Seq 1 | Seq 1 | Seq 1 | |||||
1 | Adam Hrbáček a AMA#49 |
3 695,5 64,3% |
thrown |
977,7 53,3% |
1 000,0 66,9% |
967,7 64,3% |
thrown |
750,0 73,2% |
2 | Frido Schilcher AMA#31 |
3 683,1 60,5% |
1 000,0 55,8% |
1 000,0 |
60,4% thrown |
989,4 65,8% |
693,7 59,8% |
thrown |
3 | Milan Valenta a AMA#48 |
3 672,5 62,8% |
947,0 52,9% |
thrown |
977,1 65,4% |
1 000,0 66,5% |
748,3 |
66,8% thrown |
4 | Maciej Idczak AMA#32 |
3 395,5 57,6% |
998,2 55,7% |
944,8 |
61,4% thrown |
927,6 61,7% |
thrown |
524,9 51,2% |
[us] - Unknown rounds were scaled to ~750 max points each. (Sum of Unknowns weighted as 20% of the total score.)
Final scores in Unlimited ranged from a low of 2 715,2 to a high of 3 749,2 (a range of 1 034,0)
Rank | Pilot | Final Score | Known | Unknown [us] | ||||
Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 1 | Round 2 | |||
Seq 1 | Seq 1 | Seq 1 | Seq 1 | |||||
1 | Gernot Bruckmann AMA#38 |
3 749,2 83,8% |
999,2 82,7% |
1 000,0 83,6% |
1 000,0 84,2% |
thrown |
thrown |
750,0 84,6% |
2 | Marek Plichta AMA#39 |
3 722,1 82,9% |
1 000,0 82,8% |
thrown |
986,1 83,0% |
1 000,0 83,2% |
735,9 82,4% |
thrown |
3 | Sacha Cecconi AMA#37 |
3 632,1 80,9% |
966,6 80,0% |
980,4 82,0% |
980,5 82,5% |
thrown |
704,6 78,9% |
thrown |
4 | Martin Brandmüller AMA#33 |
3 581,4 79,9% |
928,7 |
77,2% thrown |
997,5 84,0% |
938,2 78,1% |
717,1 80,3% |
thrown |
5 | Wolfgang Krahofer AMA#41 |
3 534,2 78,6% |
951,8 78,8% |
955,2 79,9% |
thrown |
919,4 76,5% |
707,8 79,2% |
thrown |
6 | Michal Krůza AMA#42 |
3 399,5 75,7% |
889,1 73,6% |
thrown |
938,3 79,0% |
892,1 74,2% |
680,0 76,1% |
thrown |
7 | Marian Mader AMA#44 |
3 365,9 75,0% |
872,1 |
72,4% thrown |
921,0 77,5% |
895,1 74,5% |
677,6 75,9% |
thrown |
8 | Tomáš Kukačka AMA#40 |
3 345,6 74,7% |
891,3 |
900,7 75,3% |
907,6 76,4% |
74,1% thrown |
thrown |
646,0 72,8% |
9 | Josef Lukáč AMA#35 |
3 323,9 74,0% |
852,9 |
911,1 76,2% |
70,7% thrown |
893,5 74,3% |
666,4 74,6% |
thrown |
10 | Emilien Galley AMA#36 |
3 217,6 71,7% |
840,1 69,6% |
866,0 72,4% |
897,5 75,6% |
thrown |
614,0 68,7% |
thrown |
11 | Jiří Šotola AMA#46 |
2 993,4 66,5% |
770,7 63,8% |
788,6 66,0% |
thrown |
868,9 72,3% |
thrown |
565,2 63,7% |
12 | Tobias Warzecha AMA#43 |
2 715,2 60,4% |
thrown |
737,6 61,7% |
784,7 66,1% |
751,8 62,6% |
441,1 49,4% |
thrown |
[us] - Unknown rounds were scaled to ~750 max points each. (Sum of Unknowns weighted as 20% of the total score.)
Final scores in Freestyle ranged from a low of 0,0 to a high of 1 000,0 (a range of 1 000,0)
Rank | Pilot | Final Score | Freestyle | |
Round 1 | Round 2 | |||
1 | Sacha Cecconi AMA#37 |
1 000,0 | thrown |
1 000,0 |
2 | Martin Brandmüller AMA#33 |
999,1 | thrown |
999,1 |
3 | Marek Plichta AMA#39 |
997,3 | thrown |
997,3 |
4 | Wolfgang Krahofer AMA#41 |
984,4 | thrown |
984,4 |
5 | Gernot Bruckmann AMA#38 |
957,8 | thrown |
957,8 |
6 | Marian Mader AMA#44 |
952,3 | thrown |
952,3 |
7 | Josef Lukáč AMA#35 |
951,2 | 951,2 | thrown |
8 | Andi Wildauer AMA#6 |
885,4 | thrown |
885,4 |
9 | Marco Pintér AMA#21 |
873,0 | 873,0 | thrown |
10 | Tomáš Záhora AMA#4 |
839,8 | 839,8 | thrown |
11 | Tomáš Kukačka AMA#40 |
819,3 | 819,3 | thrown |
12 | Emilien Galley AMA#36 |
782,2 | 782,2 | thrown |
13 | Tobias Warzecha AMA#43 |
766,3 | thrown |
766,3 |
14 | Mel Nipkow AMA#24 |
697,5 | thrown |
697,5 |
15 | Milan Valenta AMA#19 |
646,2 | thrown |
646,2 |
16 | Lukas Mauer AMA#18 |
570,1 | thrown |
570,1 |
17 | Michal Krůza AMA#42 |
0,0 | thrown |
0,0 |
Note: Flights without a scale pilot and panel installed are assessed a penalty.
In this report, no pilots were assessed the missing pilot/panel penalty.
Report Parameters: Divisions=Sportsman,Intermediate,Advanced,Unlimited; Knowns=Yes; Unknowns=Yes; Freestyle=Yes; Rounds=1-20
Score! v4.25.2; Elapsed time to create report: 8087ms