F3M Ústí

Pilot Report

As of 2-Aug-2020 14:59

Milan Valenta / S. no. #19 / Advanced

Known Flights: Rounds 1-4, Judge/Sheet #1

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4
Seq #1 Seq #1 Seq #1 Seq #1
1: (k=24) 7.5 8.0 8.0 7.5
2: (k=35) 5.5 6.5 8.0 8.0
3: (k=19) 6.5 0.0 7.5 6.5
4: (k=56) 8.0 7.5 7.0 5.0
5: (k=52) 7.5 6.0 8.0 7.0
6: (k=33) 4.5 8.0 7.5 8.0
7: (k=31) 5.0 5.0 7.5 6.0
8: (k=49) 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.5
9: (k=39) 6.5 7.5 8.5 0.0
10: (k=33) 7.5 7.0 8.5 7.0
11: Sound (k=12) 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0
12: Airspace Control (k=12) 7.0 8.0 8.0 5.0
Simple Sum: 79 77 93.5 75.5
K-Factored Sum: 2,625 2,592.5 3,049.5 2,432
Penalty: 0 0 0 0
Flight Score: 2,625 2,592.5 3,049.5 2,432

Known Flights: Rounds 1-4, Judge/Sheet #2

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4
Seq #1 Seq #1 Seq #1 Seq #1
1: (k=24) 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.5
2: (k=35) 6.0 7.0 7.0 8.0
3: (k=19) 8.5 0.0 8.0 7.5
4: (k=56) 8.0 8.0 6.0 7.0
5: (k=52) 7.5 6.5 7.0 7.0
6: (k=33) 5.0 7.0 7.5 8.5
7: (k=31) 7.0 7.0 6.0 6.5
8: (k=49) 6.0 6.5 7.5 7.0
9: (k=39) 8.5 7.0 9.0 0.0
10: (k=33) 8.0 7.0 8.5 6.5
11: Sound (k=12) 8.0 7.0 9.0 7.0
12: Airspace Control (k=12) 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0
Simple Sum: 87.5 78 91.5 79.5
K-Factored Sum: 2,853 2,661.5 2,925.5 2,566
Penalty: 0 0 0 0
Flight Score: 2,853 2,661.5 2,925.5 2,566

Known Flights: Rounds 1-4, Judge/Sheet #3

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4
Seq #1 Seq #1 Seq #1 Seq #1
1: (k=24) 7.5 7.5 8.0 7.0
2: (k=35) 8.0 7.5 8.0 7.0
3: (k=19) 7.5 6.5 7.0 7.5
4: (k=56) 8.0 7.5 6.5 7.0
5: (k=52) 7.5 6.0 7.5 7.0
6: (k=33) 5.0 6.5 7.0 7.5
7: (k=31) 6.5 6.0 7.0 6.5
8: (k=49) 7.0 6.0 8.0 7.5
9: (k=39) 7.0 7.0 8.0 0.0
10: (k=33) 7.0 7.0 7.5 7.0
11: Sound (k=12) 8.0 9.0 8.0 9.0
12: Airspace Control (k=12) 7.0 9.0 7.0 9.0
Simple Sum: 86 85.5 89.5 82
K-Factored Sum: 2,834 2,712.5 2,938.5 2,575
Penalty: 0 0 0 0
Flight Score: 2,834 2,712.5 2,938.5 2,575

Unknown Flights: Round 1, Judge/Sheet #1

Round 1
1: (k=21) 7.5
2: (k=25) 6.5
3: (k=39) 7.0
4: (k=39) 7.5
5: (k=27) 8.0
6: (k=30) 7.5
7: (k=56) 7.5
8: (k=45) 6.5
9: (k=29) 7.0
10: (k=42) 7.5
11: Sound (k=12) 7.0
12: Airspace Control (k=12) 7.0
Simple Sum: 86.5
K-Factored Sum: 2,725
Penalty: 0
Flight Score: 2,725

Unknown Flights: Round 1, Judge/Sheet #2

Round 1
1: (k=21) 8.5
2: (k=25) 7.0
3: (k=39) 7.5
4: (k=39) 7.5
5: (k=27) 8.0
6: (k=30) 7.0
7: (k=56) 5.0
8: (k=45) 6.0
9: (k=29) 7.0
10: (k=42) 8.0
11: Sound (k=12) 8.0
12: Airspace Control (k=12) 8.0
Simple Sum: 87.5
K-Factored Sum: 2,645.5
Penalty: 0
Flight Score: 2,645.5

Unknown Flights: Round 1, Judge/Sheet #3

Round 1
1: (k=21) 7.0
2: (k=25) 7.0
3: (k=39) 7.0
4: (k=39) 7.5
5: (k=27) 8.0
6: (k=30) 7.5
7: (k=56) 6.5
8: (k=45) 6.0
9: (k=29) 7.0
10: (k=42) 8.0
11: Sound (k=12) 7.0
12: Airspace Control (k=12) 7.0
Simple Sum: 85.5
K-Factored Sum: 2,669.5
Penalty: 0
Flight Score: 2,669.5

Unknown Flights: Round 2, Judge/Sheet #1

Round 2
1: (k=47) 7.5
2: (k=36) 8.5
3: (k=47) 6.5
4: (k=20) 7.0
5: (k=55) 7.0
6: (k=30) 6.0
7: (k=31) 8.0
8: (k=26) 7.5
9: (k=26) 7.0
10: (k=29) 8.5
11: Sound (k=12) 8.0
12: Airspace Control (k=12) 8.0
Simple Sum: 89.5
K-Factored Sum: 2,732.5
Penalty: 0
Flight Score: 2,732.5

Unknown Flights: Round 2, Judge/Sheet #2

Round 2
1: (k=47) 8.0
2: (k=36) 9.0
3: (k=47) 7.0
4: (k=20) 8.0
5: (k=55) 7.5
6: (k=30) 8.0
7: (k=31) 8.5
8: (k=26) 8.5
9: (k=26) 8.0
10: (k=29) 8.5
11: Sound (k=12) 8.0
12: Airspace Control (k=12) 8.0
Simple Sum: 97
K-Factored Sum: 2,972.5
Penalty: 0
Flight Score: 2,972.5

Unknown Flights: Round 2, Judge/Sheet #3

Round 2
1: (k=47) 7.0
2: (k=36) 7.0
3: (k=47) 6.5
4: (k=20) 7.0
5: (k=55) 7.5
6: (k=30) 8.0
7: (k=31) 8.0
8: (k=26) 8.0
9: (k=26) 8.5
10: (k=29) 8.0
11: Sound (k=12) 9.0
12: Airspace Control (k=12) 9.0
Simple Sum: 93.5
K-Factored Sum: 2,804
Penalty: 0
Flight Score: 2,804

Freestyle Flights: Rounds 1-2, Judge/Sheet #1

Round 1 Round 2
1: Airspace control (k=20) 7.0 7.0
2: Originality and complexity (k=20) 7.0 6.5
3: Precision (k=20) 7.5 7.5
4: Artistic impression and Presentation (k=30) 7.0 7.5
5: Choreography (k=30) 7.5 7.5
Simple Sum: 36 36
Time of flight: n/a n/a
K-Factored Sum: 865 870
Penalty: 0 0
Flight Score: 865 870

Freestyle Flights: Rounds 1-2, Judge/Sheet #2

Round 1 Round 2
1: Airspace control (k=20) 7.0 8.0
2: Originality and complexity (k=20) 7.5 7.0
3: Precision (k=20) 7.5 7.5
4: Artistic impression and Presentation (k=30) 7.5 7.5
5: Choreography (k=30) 7.5 7.0
Simple Sum: 37 37
Time of flight: n/a n/a
K-Factored Sum: 890 885
Penalty: 0 0
Flight Score: 890 885

Freestyle Flights: Rounds 1-2, Judge/Sheet #3

Round 1 Round 2
1: Airspace control (k=20) 8.0 7.0
2: Originality and complexity (k=20) 7.5 7.0
3: Precision (k=20) 8.0 7.5
4: Artistic impression and Presentation (k=30) 8.0 7.0
5: Choreography (k=30) 7.5 6.5
Simple Sum: 39 35
Time of flight: n/a n/a
K-Factored Sum: 935 835
Penalty: 0 0
Flight Score: 935 835

Freestyle Flights: Rounds 1-2, Judge/Sheet #4

Round 1 Round 2
1: Airspace control (k=20) 7.0 7.5
2: Originality and complexity (k=20) 7.0 8.0
3: Precision (k=20) 6.5 7.0
4: Artistic impression and Presentation (k=30) 7.0 7.0
5: Choreography (k=30) 6.5 6.5
Simple Sum: 34 36
Time of flight: n/a n/a
K-Factored Sum: 815 855
Penalty: 0 0
Flight Score: 815 855

Freestyle Flights: Rounds 1-2, Judge/Sheet #5

Round 1 Round 2
1: Airspace control (k=20) 8.0 8.5
2: Originality and complexity (k=20) 8.0 8.0
3: Precision (k=20) 7.5 7.5
4: Artistic impression and Presentation (k=30) 7.0 7.5
5: Choreography (k=30) 6.5 8.0
Simple Sum: 37 39.5
Time of flight: n/a n/a
K-Factored Sum: 875 945
Penalty: 0 0
Flight Score: 875 945

Score Distribution (in this report)





















7.0 *








* - Most common score = 7.0 (75 times)
Lowest Score = 0.0
Highest Score = 9.0

Report Parameters: Knowns=Yes; Unknowns=Yes; Freestyle=Yes; Rounds=1-20; Judges=1-8

Score! v4.25.2; Elapsed time to create report: 85ms